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Airwaves: in a sentimental mood - john coltrane
(I heard this song BEFORE I saw love jones)

There aren't very many movies where you can say a line and have people around you break out into song to finish it, but if you watch the movies I watch, and have friends like mine, you will know that tonight's Drive-In movie is one of those. Without further ado, I give you...


That's right, one of THE best movies of all time, SA2 could be the face of this generation of african-americans. I've never met anybody with extra melanine who has not seen it. It birthed the career of the legendary Lauryn Hill, and established Whoopi Goldberg as one of the greatest female comedians ever. There are so many highlights in this movie from, the "cold beans and collard greens", "this is a birdcourse", and "the old music room" scenes, to that now infamous final dance number to "joyful, joyful". This movie is classsssic and one that will definitely earn a guy cool points if he has it in his collection...which reminds me, who's up for a SA2 movie night?
There are soooo many quotes from this movie that I could use but I won't simply because I want you to add your favorite ones! Mine is the last line of the movie...

"My dear Amahl, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a 'Las. Vegas. Showgirl.'

I......am a headliner!

Now waaaaaait a minute!
Ciao, Sal

1 comment:

  1. maybe where maria's from she didn't have a lamb....maybe she had a rat, or a snot nosed little brother named Bart...


make it good.