its finally


airwaves:we major - kanye west ft. Nas and Really Doe
"feelin better than i ever felt be fore today...and better late than never means..orientation...still we can make it better throwin all your cares away...."
(this is manny and i's favorite song like...EVER)

oh man, even though this week went by in TURBO, its finally and officially friday which means that i have two days of peace and solitude to do whatever it is that want until monday morning at nine a.m. so basically what im sayin is...im gonna be up all night, cuz i dont have to work tomorrowwww! but anyway lets get right down to it. today is the final day of spring fling week and i feel like ive been saving the best for last! Today's feature is on my friend Ramon Bentley. Ive known him since iwas a freshman in college and his name was 'Ric' :). He started off as a mentor but became a friend, and one now who i certainly value and respect. he introduced me to fashion show production and more importantly, papi's cuban rastuarant downtown. Not only is he a men's fashion guru, but also a food and wine connoissuer, im lucky to know a guy a like him, so sit back and enjoy his feature because its the only thing you'll see for the rest of the weekend.

hope you enjoy it!

ciao, sal :)

thats..MISTER Bentley

to you.

(these are all in Ramon's words)
Picks for spring/summer season.

People generally get a little happy with the pastels and bright colors during this time of the year so I know that for this season I’m choosing to stick with a basic color scheme that centers on navy blue, gray, khaki, and white for my day-to-day look. Consider it the broccoli, salmon, and brown rice approach for my closet (because, obviously, buttery red wine reductions and duck confit are for special occasions only, lest we gain weight). The more festive occasions, of course, require a lot more panache so I’m going with particular accents that I think will speak volumes on their own..

V.K. Nagrani
I’ll be implementing more of V.K. Nagrani’s luxury sock collection because I enjoy being slightly tongue-in-cheek at this age. Besides, men generally never put much thought into their socks and I’m about showing some love to that area between the bottoms of my trousers and the tops of my shoes. What I like most with his collection is his utilization of geometric & art-deco shapes and provocative color schemes that push the boundaries on sock design but don’t extend past good taste.

Robert Godley’s “Psycho Bunny
Over the fall/winter, I admittedly went a little too “old man” in my reintroduction to the prep look (I recently moved back to Connecticut). Looking back at some recent pictures, I think I was taking myself too seriously and some of that youthful edge was lost in translation. I want to bring back that youthful edge with Godley’s “Psycho Bunny” because I think his line has a tasteful bit of vulgarity to it that still honors the design element of these pieces but maintains a flare to it at the same time.

Moore & Giles
This is more of a lifestyle pick but it does pertain to fashion in a way. In the following months, Moore & Giles will be coming out with a leather accordion-like pocket-size notebook called “The Mind Traveler.” In it there will be several tabs that each hold blank paper pads and these tabs are labeled “Money” “Health” “Family” and “Life” (along with some other ones that I’m forgetting), and each tab allows us to almost compartmentalize our perspective on these subjects. And with this easy access, we can constantly update it and chart our growth. Now being an avid journal writer, this fits into my lifestyle but what’s just as great, is that it’ll be styled in beautiful leather thanks to the folks at Moore & Giles. These folks know good leather, people.

Check it out...

What people Will See Me In...and NOT see me in.
WILL: Trousers. There’s something organic about them that I think is being neglected or rather unappreciated about this look. Maybe it’s because you have to iron them more frequently, I don’t know.

WON’T: Denim pants, at least not most of the time. Denim is the most overused item, along with cargo shorts, during the summer. Hell, all year around. While I appreciate their rugged appeal and all-American look, I think there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look a little more refined in places—ESPECIALLY during these economic times.
WILL: More shoes. I don’t know why but I’m gravitating toward brown monk strap shoes (from Edward Green) this particular season. Add that to my growing collection of saddle shoes, wing tips, cap toes, and boat shoes.

WON’T: Less sneakers. ALTHOUGH, I will be coppin’ me some Air Yeezys in black (yes, I’m drinking the kool-aid on this one) and a couple of high-top Supras at that.
WILL: Solid ties. There’s a timeless effect to them that I’ve learned to appreciate a lot more now that I’ve thrown out most of my old ties from high school and college.

WON’T: Pattern Ties. Godley’s Psycho Bunny ties will be my only exception to this rule. Well, that and Rugby.
WILL: More humor and candor. Not long ago I was wearing this amazing black pinstripe suit that was originally my father’s. It was tailored by some Italian gentleman who still lives in the neighborhood today. I returned to that shop to get things taken in here and there and before we got started he said, “When I’mma done, I’mma gonna make-a-you look like bull.” And DAMN, I must admit, I looked rather beastly after he was done. It had that true Italian arrogance that they’re known for—but that’s not where this story ends. Pretty much everyone who still has a job can’t help but complain about the economy. I don’t blame them, but I wanted to have a better attitude about my day-to-day life. So I went out and got me a yellow plastic Spongebob lunch box, stripped off the sticker of spongebob on it, and then wrote: “…have a sense of humor.” in big letters. I took that to work with me the next day in my fresh black pinstripe suit, black wingtips, threw on my SICK-ASS 80s throwback plastic Ray-Ban aviators (also my Dad’s) with the subtle leopard print-like strip at the top and I was ON. MY. WAY. The serious business suit and cheeky lunch box was one big contradiction and I think that’s what made people stop and share a laugh WITH me about it. Of course, it’ll be a while before I do that again but I’ll never forget that moment.

WON’T: A negative attitude. Yeah, times are bad and being a delusional optimist doesn’t help either, but do what you can to not beat yourself up about it.


Stress the


oh the people i meet on my travels..
love you Ramon!!!
ciao, sal

He Finally..

Confessed. and it's beautifully THOROUGH.

Who are you?
That’s still being written. What? Would you rather I lie to you?

Who are your top 3 influences fashion-wise?
The DANDIEST old men on my block from way back. Whether it was a trip to the corner store or a Sunday dinner after church, these men never went out without a suit or a hat. There was never a day where they would succumb to what I call “casualessness” (a hybrid of “casual” and “carelessness”) which is something a lot of people now-a-days are guilty of. I’ll never forget what “Old Man Charlie” told me one day while he was on his way into town: “[The outfit] ain’t right if you not gliding on the pavement.” In retrospect, that taught me the importance of swagger in fashion—bringing life to the clothes. VK Nagrani, designer “OvadafĂ»t Company” Known affectionately within the industry as “The Philosopher,” V.K. taught me to look at clothes in more holistic terms. Some people have this lofty dream that fashion will change the world or something close to that effect, but when we place fashion in a more realistic view, it’s merely another way for us to tell our story/perspective to the world. Soccer Players, particularly from Latin America. The same finesse that Latin players are known for (versus the more rugged European approach) carries over into their clothes as well. Adidas Sambas. Beanies. A wild assortment of bracelets adorning the wrist. The cool leather necklace. Proper proportion (especially for the shorts). All of these elements are subtly placed into their lifestyle off the field. It’s as if they are literally placing their hearts (passion for the game) on their sleeves, or neck, or chest, or feet, for the entire world to see. It’s that concept that I carry with me everyday when I get dressed.

How about musically?
Santana. Miles Davis. Pete Rock & CL Smooth

Favorite place(s) to shop locally?
Sportscape! A local sneaker boutique with the ILLEST sneakers available in southwestern Connecticut!! And being from Connecticut, I have to make the occasional trips to Vineyard Vines, Rugby, and J. Crew for the preppy purchases of fresh polo shirts, boat shoes, and Nantucket-braided bracelets.

Shoes you're wearing right now:
My very favorite chocolate brown saddle shoes, accented nicely with my “dark blue” socks (it’s not navy, I swear, I just can’t think of a better way to describe it).

Bracelet or watch?
Check it: BOTH. I enjoy the idea of taking two completely contrasting elements and placing them together to form a synthesis. You’ve got the sleek modern lines of a well-made watch and the very organic appeal of a rugged bracelet from some fabric or rope wrapped closely around the watch and, done correctly, I think it makes sense.

Necklace or scarf?
The scarf is my pocket square. It’s been my thing ever since I watched “Alfie” (2004) with Jude Law in it. I’ve always been a sucker for very deep, rich, colored scarves like burgundy, gray, and hunter green (black and navy, of course, are in the mix as well). Most of all, I love the relaxed OR distinguished effect it can create depending upon the way you wrap it. If you have trouble picturing what I’m talking about, just imagine that now-famous photo with Miles Davis sitting at the piano with his head on his left hand and looking creatively stuck during a session in the studio. The way that scarf sits on him absolutely helps to create that picture.

Prince or Michael Jackson:
I vote for Prince because of his self-restraint with not only his music, but his credibility. If Prince were to come out with material today (and he has), I think you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who thought that was a bad idea. If Michael were to come out with material, everyone is like, “WHY bother!?” because he just went so far left field that we lost our connection to him. Prince and his music will always be relevant and there is a growth in creative genius that we can chart through the years and appreciate that growth. We appreciate Michael for the music and inspiration he gave to the artists who followed afterward, but musically I can’t see him making something without the help of a big name producer. That said, both are amazing artists and created such meaningful work, but since this is a matter of preference, I’m going with Prince.

Dream job?
It’d definitely be Anthony Bourdain’s job (obvious shout out). The man gets paid to travel around the world, talk to real people, drinks strong spirits, eat their food, and tell other people of his experience. Welcome to the good life

Last movie you watched:
The Wrestler (2008) What a painful, gut-wrenching story, right? It’s been two weeks already and yet the impact of that movie still lingers with me.

Favorite blog(s)/websites to browse:
a) Lifestyle Blogs:
a. The Real Assanova blog – Most people will likely not understand this blog because of the writer’s level of candor and frat-boy humor. They’ll likely dismiss it as a “how to get laid” guide for computer nerds or something. This is more than just a “seduction” blog; this is one man’s daily search (among his other priorities in life) to inject romantic and erotic love (at times only erotic love) back into modern-day society. We’ve lost this polarity of the sexes and with that, the courtship process has shifted into a more level-playing field and too many men are operating on failed out-dated methods. Today’s women absolutely want to be gamed, they just want it done in the right way that respects our progression in time. And even if you’re not an idealist about it all, his stories are HILARIOUS.

b) Celebrity Blogs:
a. The Mark Cuban blog – Even if you’re not a finance or technology fan, you have to respect Cuban’s thought-process. He talks, people listen to him. Why exactly? I think it’s because he’s determined to do this on his own terms.
b. The Kanye West Universecity blog— there is so much depth to Kanye that it’s evident even in his sometimes impersonal entry posts. The blog is picture happy with little text included (except when he’s ranting off about something that pissed him off), but it works for him; you see how his mind works. And it’s a mind worth watching…

c) Fashion Blogs:
a. Stockholm Street Style blog
b. The Sartorialist blog
c. Lateboots blog

a. Gourmet Magazine. Simply put, this is food porn at its best! Of course, after the culinary boner subsides, I do manage to find inspiration in the content away from the pictures.

Song stuck in your head right now?
Milli Vanilli’s “Blame it on the Rain” (and ONLY the chorus, at that). Prometheus himself probably couldn’t steal it out of my head…[sigh]

If you could have a comeback album from any artist...who would it be?
The Fugees used to be number one on that list and we all know what happened to that comeback attempt in 2005. Do pardon the hint of cynicism but I’ll just appreciate my #2 on the list for what they did so as not to jinx them in anyway…

The first concert you ever went to:
Britney Spears, who was on tour for her first album. Listen, I was 13 years old and had just discovered breasts and ovaries at that awkward pubescent time. Never mind that I was whoring my masculinity, this was my chance to see beautiful 18 year old Britney Spears in person, and damn it, I went for it…

The dumbest thing you've ever done:
playing it safe for the majority of my life. Luckily, God introduced me to myself through a series of events in 2007 & 2008 and now there is a self-awareness to my day-to-day lifestyle that I think has contributed to me thinking more vertically in terms of recognizing potential opportunities and seeing those choices in front of me that either help or hinder my chances to those opportunities. That isn’t to say that I’m some opportunist because I don’t look at people as only a means to an end. All I’m saying is that when you can see life more clearly beyond just the old saying of “same stuff, different day” then there is more of an excitement to each day because your frame of thinking is rooted in more holistic terms rather than what is only in front of you. You simply begin to enjoy the journey more because you aren’t fixated only on chasing the temporary highs of life.

The best decision you ever made:
I definitely answered that above. I see the person you’ve grown to be, but not who you were before what was it that changed your life to get where you are now? …again see the dumbest thing ever comment above. (loL)

Go ahead...give a few shout outs
Certainly I want to give a shout out to all my sisters, Lupita, Eddie B, el “Sin Condon” Crew (HOLLA!), Andrew Cruz, and last but not least, to the people who inspire me to do better everyday. People talk so passionately about others who abuse power in high places, but many fail to see the little moments in life where we have a measure of power that impacts someone else's day either negatively or positively depending upon the choices we make at any particular moment. Here’s to the ones who make the right choice even when virtue is less convenient.

Finally....last famous words
There’s a scene in the movie “Phenomenon” (1996) between “Doc” (Robert Duvall) and “George Malley” (John Travolta) that I think best illustrates my point. Doc: George, how did you manage to get your pressure to come down? George Malley: Oh... I found my pace. Simple thing really. Hard to explain. That scene always reminds me of the fact that no matter what, we all have to figure this thing out on our own. You can’t have personal freedom if someone does the work for you—freedom requires that you liberate yourself. The natural question for some people is “how?” I blame this culture of “how to” lists and books that give people too much dependency on everything but their own thought-process.
People can articulate how they made it but the story really only makes perfect sense to them.
Your story is written, it’s just up to you to write it.

ciao, sal

Ebony and


airwaves: cudi get - kid cudi

"say wah wah wahhh wah wah wahhhh"

(heck yes cudi, get your cleveland city on)

heyyyy its THURSDAY!!!! woo! as bad as thursdays really are, they atleast mean im only two days away from the WEEKEND. and this weekend im taking a minor break from Long, Tall Sally, to have some regular adventures with friends and family..and by regular i mean undocumented lol. i cant put EVERYTHING on here now..

but lemme get to what we're really here. today's feature is on my love, the young Ebony Aalayah, Me and Ebony could really be sisters in a parallel universe, we've had similar experiences and everything, right down to moving to atlanta and hating it. Lol but anyway, enjoy her feature and what she has say, you might notice a trend in everybody's current love of michael kors spring line, I haven't seen it so I'm obviously missing something..hmm..I'm going 2 investigate...but if she ever decides to update it, check out Eb's blog, tasteetreatz.blogspot.com lol. Happy thursday!!

Ciao, Sal.

please take note

of the bomb finger tattoo.

aaaaaand scene,
The most high has OFFICIALLY, rode out.

Confessions of a

drama QUEEN.
(nix the drama part, we'll stick with the queen though)

Who are you?
Ebony Aalayah...but everybody calls me EBZ

Who are your top 3 influences fashionwise?
Honestly i dont have a top 3!....everybody influences me...i may see a 70 year old woman..with a sharp a-- necklace on..or a young guy my age with a sweet a-- jacket on....i draw inspiration from everywhere..if its sweet ill fall in love with it[[ooo yeah lemme say it know..i use the word "sweet" entirely too much..cant help it]]

How about musically?
i love mos def...i dont know if its because i think he's sexy or what..but he's pretty intriguing...kanye west always has a pretty fresh way of delivering a message and i love him for that....mariah carey will prolly always&forever be my idol...

Favorite place(s) to shop locally?
[[if its a boutique and if its on coventry street im sooo there]] shouts out to cleveland ohio

Shoes you're wearing right now
[[giggling]] um im barefoot...but my hot pink polish does wonder for my [[piggies]]...ughh tha word "toes" disgust me..i almost barfed in my mouth from just typin it...ohh but earlier i had on a caramel colored pair of sperry's.

Bracelet or watch?
i love bracelets...but ive recently found myself having a huge infatuation for watches.

Necklace or scarf?
[[diamond necklace please]]

Prince or Michael Jackson
[[ im still dying to go to never never land]]

[[hmmm....right now im at point in my life where i wanna do everything....from fashion editor..to song writter...to being a physcologist]] if all else fails...ill teach kindergarten

Last movie you watched
TAKEN-ol boy is a beast.

Favorite blog(s)/websites to browse..
really i dont do a lot of browsing on the web...most of the times its facebook & my girlie long tall sally of course.

Song stuck in your head right now?
The fray-over my head

If you could have a comeback album from any artist...who would it be?
B2K...nuff said.
(barf, sorry eb lol)

The first concert you ever went to
LMA0!!! LIL B0W W0W AND B2K @ that gool ol akron civic.

The dumbest thing you've ever done
losing myself in a silly boy[[lesson well learned]]

The best decision you ever made
HMMM..leaving atlanta and moving back home to tha good ol AKR0N.

I see the person youve grown to be, but not who you were before..what was it that changed your life to get where you are now?

go ahead...give a few shout outs
FAMILY & FRIENDS...N0 0NE IN PARTICULAR..... i pretty much love everybody.

Finally....last famous words
i want the money.the cars.the clothes...[[I SUPP0SE]]
...or maybe i just wanna be succesful.
awww, Eb.

everything in


my personal decor
over tha years ive grown into tha ultimate classy girl...
i love playing around with fashion.
i love to be comfortable and classy.
im fairly simple.
i dont like to go over board.
i hate when people OVER D0 there style...less is always best.[[to me of course]]
(i concur)

styles for spring 2009
[[although its out of my price range]]
vera wang had some very nice pieces in tha spring 2009 fashion show...
im beginning to get into dresses, and there were a few on that runway that had me dazed!
& i think MICHAEL K0RS may be theee man to set the style bar for spring![[he never upsets me]]
(obviously mr. kors is the go-to man for spring this year!)

spring is always my favorite season simply because theres so much you can do when it comes to putting together a nice "outfit"....
i love pastel colors...so you'll prolly see me in a lot of light pinks, soft greens, & tans on a regular day
i love wearing simple cardigans. with a nice pair of jeans[[or a nice pair of khaki shorts on warmer days]] with a smooth pair of sperry's!! with an oversized bag of some sort[[names dont really matter to me..if its sweet..ill take it]]
If im steppin out for a nite on tha town..ill prolly wear a nice dress that complements my curves.[[I LOVE BLACK DRESSES!]] & a bomb a-- HEEL!
im really into sophistication! im very in touch with my body size and i know what works and what just looks foolish!!
ALS0!!! i love showing all 5 0f my tattoos...i never buy clothes that will cover them. i feel like my tattoos and my piercings are my best accesories!
(yay for body art)

0MG! WHERE D0 I BEGIN!!!!!!!!..
[[lemme start by saying this...AKR0N 0HI0...fashion...dont mix]]
....im sorry babygirl...but that babyphat shirt, and those rocawear jeans, with those air force ones and that pink mardi gras beaded necklace with tha matchin bracelet and earings IZZZ N0T THA BUSINESS!
& my dude....in tha jeans to his ankles..looking like a parachute..
ooo boy is that spray paint i see on your shirt!...& are those prada's or filas?
ima need for yo 24 years young a--[[excuse my french]]...to get your grown man on

[[wooo i needed to vent on that one]]

like i previously stated I love classiness and sophistication.((male & female))

ooo and my top 5 songs...
1. drake-ransome...
2.drake-best ive ever had
3.kanye west-all falls down
4.tha fray-over my head

drake is definitely going to be big...he's pretty much tha s---.l0l.


theres still

more to come

airwaves: o saya - m.i.a.
"they cant touch me..we break off, run so fast they cant ever catch me.."
(theres something about wordly sounding drums that turns me ON)

While we still have 2 (possibly 3!) more features to do for the rest of the week, pay special attention to this one.
Today's style feature is Mr. Omar Mornan, aka Sergio Wonder, one of my light skinned dolls from down south lol. While i dont know him that well, ive made some observations that i really like and asked him to be on the blog for the spring feature, and i wasnt disappointed, im sure you wont be either, check out his feature for the next 24 hours below! Also, be sure to check his blog out his (really excellent) blog "Runway Wonder" and leave him so lovinnn


mr. photogenic

youre a doll,

Oh My,


Who are you?-
Sergio Wonder, G.I.T (Gur in Training)

Who are your top 3 influences fashionwise?
Christian Siriano, Andre Benjamin (3000), Robert Redford as Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)

How about musically?
Jill Scott, Lizz Wright, Stevie Wonder (no relation, lol), Anita Baker, Janelle Monae, Will.i.am, Sam Sparro, John Mayer, Common, Donnie (The Colored Section), Liv Warfield & Kim Burrell

Favorite place(s) to shop locally?-
The Webster, Barney's CO-OP, Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, Rebel Boutique, C. Madeline's, The Lounge, Diesel

Where are you?
At the design studio (Miami,FL)

Shoes you're wearing right now
YSL Moccasins

Bracelet or watch?
Michael Kors

Necklace or scarf?
(i took it off) Forgiven dog tag

Prince or Michael Jackson
PRINCE!!!! (is there any question?)

King of the world

Last movie you watched

Favorite blog(s)/websites to browse..
CocoChanelPuffs.onsugar.com, men.style.com, fashion156.com , eluxury.com, thelifefiles.com

Song stuck in your head right now?
Fall by Brandy (Human)

If you could have a comeback album from any artist...who would it be?
ELLA FITZ (as in Fitzgerald)

The first concert you ever went to-real concert?
Viktor Wooten

The dumbest thing you've ever done
come back to America (after i graduated college)

The best decision you ever made
To study in Europe (complete eye-opener)

I see the person youve grown to be, but not who you were before..what was it that changed your life to get where you are now?
I learned to not live by stereotypes. Life is not about a four walls (or a box). EXPLORE! I'm a man, but that doesn't mean i'm not allowed a few weak moments. I'm african american, but that doesn't mean I'm uneducated. I'm 6'2, and I hate basketball! (you get the idea). Something literally just clicked in my brain and said "you're much bigger than the space you're living in".

go ahead...give a few shout outs
God is awesome and true to His word.

Finally....last famous words
There is no time like the present.
Regret nothing and learn from everything.

Hump Day!

My my my...what have we here????

Omar Mornan aka Sergio Wonder

My picks for the season:-
Classic two tones oxfords
Harem Pants/Shorts-Short sleeved wovens (a.k.a button ups)-
Velvet Slippers (by Tom Ford or Ralph Lauren)-
Modern Watches (I.e, the faceless watch, or any by Tokyo Flash)

You will most likely catch me in:
a good mood
cardigans (you can never go wrong)
Keds, Rubber Ducky's, or Generic Surplus kicks
Anything Diesel
Vintage Eyewear
Seersucker Shorts

You will NOT see me in:
Slip On Vans
Anything by Ed Hardy (WTF is up with all that sparkle?!)
A Ford vehicle
anything neon (Just Say No!)
Acid Wash Jeans (modernize the 80's, not relive it)

I Plan to Go:
to a place called "Success"
to NYC to see my dad and discover.
Europe to finish what I started

My current airwaves:
Sandcastle Disco- Solange
Something is Missing - Brandy
What's Going On (Live) - Jazmine Sullivan
Soon as I Get Home - Lizz Wright
Heaven Only Knows - John Legend



Need i say more?
im throwing IN the towel.
ciao, sal.


Who are you?
Im Christina Alexandria Mighty of course. Just mighty to the people that love me. if this is a place for adjectives, just mighty is the best fit, there are too many words
(yes there are..)

Who are your top 3 influences fashionwise?
Well I definitely would say that my friends are a band of well styled maniacs, i draw inspiration from them all the time. Then its Karl Lagerfeld, Galliano, and McQueen are straight fools with it.

How about musically?
I dont have specific artists that influence me directly. But I like people that are heavyweight lyricists and that push the envelope with content. Its more like genres and places for me. Authentic music from random places is very influential to me.

Favorite place(s) to shop locally?
Psshhh who shops these days....I like this small little vintage shop in pilsen (chicago neighborhood), not thrift vintage. Fool proof places with variety like my old job French Connection, or Barney's is always a plus.

Shoes you're wearing right now
Michael Kors sneakers, camel colored suede, look like some chucks.

Bracelet or watch?
BRACELET, watches are false security
(did you all catch that?)

Necklace or scarf?
Necklace, herringbone chain with the Nefertiti pendant (hood delicacy)

Prince or Michael Jackson
PRINCE. hands down

Fashion Lifestyle Coordination company, networking and event planning for all that is art and fashion.

Last movie you watched
Forgetting Sarah Marshall...no wait Flight of the Butterflies, something like that with Salma Hayek

Favorite blog(s)/websites to browse..
876radio.com, some chick called mustang sally, sart, lateboots, facefinder, come on this could be endless

Song stuck in your head right now?
sam sparro clingy

If you could have a comeback album from any artist...who would it be?
Black Rob

The first concert you ever went to
Reggae concert, maxi priest patra shaggy lolol
(says the 6 foot jamaican girl hahaha)

The dumbest thing you've ever done
Convinced myself that I didnt see the point in living.

The best decision you ever made
Getting in touch with the power of my spirituality and acknowledging the strength of the universe

I see the person youve grown to be, but not who you were before..what was it that changed your life to get where you are now?
Well obviously location, I came back home to Chicago. I learned to be more proactive with my life and what i want to do and who i want to be around doing it. Its important to have consistency

go ahead...give a few shout outs
mom n dad lol, all of the atl connect from the troopers to the guys, the chicago crew, smash bros., and as always to the naysayers

Finally....last famous words

Love to love man
Get to this Cake!

Mighty Mighty

Good Love.

spring picks.

Michael Kors has a strong look for spring.

Americana is back. I like those looks.

The combination of 80's menswear with women's clothing is cute as buttons.

Some of the silhouette of these pants oh yeah.

Cavalli's bandeau tops are definitely gonna inspire some nakedness, and I am still running with structure found in Pugh's dresses and Balenciaga's pieces from before.

whats a dont.

tights as pants, please pretty please stop this

and stop piling on clothes just for the sake of it

be chic and clean with it.

a do.

is definitely give me janis with patterned shirts,

and suede shingles in other places besides ur booties.

Also i want to see alllllllll of the ponytails, huge buns, alll the way to the sky. thanks.

I will be seen in pants with all types of drapery, head wraps and little dashikis (I said i like the ethnic!)


and overdesigned jackets with simple denim.

Im on the search for good statement flats, because high heels are the thing now,

but im already 6 feet.

They have to be saved for night life.

Ill prob have to contrasting looks that i bounce between simple and androgynous and vixen chic. so i dont get bored.

As cute as it is right now, I wont be seen in the ninja pants,

i feel like they are going to play out like gauchos did. a sad death

(Oh yes...guachos certainly did die a sad..and long overdue death.)

Yes, Christina.

Mighty hard

To pass up.

Airwaves: nothing lasts forever - maroon 5
"Built a wall around my heart, never let it fall apart, strangely I wish secretly, it would fall down while I'm asleep"
(Aint it the truth)

I don't have a LOT of close female friends, but the ones I do have I truly value. Christina Mighty is one of them, her style and flair is like no one else I know, and to be almost six feet tall, and lady, you have to have atleast ONE thing going for you. luckily for us, young Mighty (as i fondly call her) has it ALL. Brains, (shoutout whitney young) Beauty, (obviously) and Brauns,(you dont know this but ive SEEN her throw bows and pull hair...!) and even more luckily for me, i have the privelige to clal her a friend. so when i asked her to do the blog, i knew she would accept and come through for me, and with her concept of complex minimalism mixed with urban classics, shes a girl that you really cant afford to miss...

ciao, sal.


this is what he


"'Cuz every girl crazy bout a sharp. dressed. man"
Thank you ZZTop and Thank you Manny!!!
auf wiedersen folks,

Spring Scene #1 EJL

now you know, EVERYBODY who is featured on L.T. Sally....

MUST do a cab confessional:)

Who are your top 3 influences fashionwise?
umm…andre 3000, marc jacobs, kanye west (pre-craziness), fonzworth bentley; corny i know but i enjoy the color combinations and the mixing of the new with the old
(yes to the pre-crazy kanye)

How about musically?
i LOVE music, but SOME honorable mentions go to tye tribbett, brandy, andre 3000, coldplay, the cambraidge singers, kim burrell, the real group, the gerswins, john williams, and the list goes on…
(i really despise brandy. blech)

Favorite place to shop locally?
beachwood place, legacy village, crocker park, internet

Shoes you're wearing right now
pink lace-up vans

Bracelet or watch?
un reloj

Necklace or scarf?
scarf…but willing to experiment

Classic Rock or Modern pop?
both…depends on the whim that moment

entrepreneur - stylist, public relations, restaurateur, boutique owner, singer, mogul…but ‘things’ seem to be pointing me in another direction…care to elaborate sally?
(Oh Emmanuel..Youre going to be a TEACHER!!!!)

Last movie you watched
slumdog millionaire…a must see (own)
(yeeeeeessssss! mustang's fave movie)

Favorite blog(s)/websites to browse..
ridesallyride, thebkcircus, thesartorialist, digslifeofthejetsetter, mensrag, facebook (i know), lateboots, shopping (wishful and actual)

Song stuck in your head right now?
rhapsody in blue…random but i was seriously just singing it

If you could have a comeback album from any artist...who would it be?
nt sure…im very indecisive…sorry

The first concert you ever went to
mtv trl tour – dream, eve, nelly, solange, and headlined by destiny’s child…I was pumped

The dumbest thing you've ever done
not the dumbest but its funny ~ my family calls me asian/chinese (for reasons unbeknownst to me) and to prove to them I was not I began reciting words with ‘L’s’…llllike, llllove, llllive, llllife, etc….they laughed hysterically
(im stilllllll laughing)

I see the person you’ve grown to be, but not who you were before..what was it that changed your life to get where you are now?
God, life happenings, maturity

go ahead...give a few shout outs
my main man JC! my family; cliff, claire, theo, and rudy! my extended family; joseph, justine, angela, vanessa, daniel jr, joe jr, russel jr, and miley…oh, and I Kant forget … Yo Nupe!

Finally....last famous words
i’m also doing it all just to hear well done

Spring Scene #1 EJL

sally and i often converse about our personal style and our intentions for it.
(its true, its the main thing we talk about)

it’s very easy to look avant-garde in akron (oh) but I like to dress how I want to world to perceive me. l.t.sally frequently calls me the ‘modern sophisticate’ and I think that that phrase is an accurate interpretation. these next two seasons, i will run with that theme once again

….i will call it modish timelessness.

let me start off by saying that this spring and summer will be an interesting season for me because;

1.) i will be 25 years old
2.) my tastes have changed dramatically
3.) I will be 25 years old

blending new color combinations with classic elements is the game plan. i think it may be time to grow up….

s/s 09 you will see me in...

seersucker, khaki/chino suits, and shorts suits ~ a crisp, clean summer look
…sweaters ~ shawl necks, v-necks, crew necks, turtlenecks, cardigans (full length and sleeveless) and everything else in between. from here on out, it’s about me. i believe that one should dress for themselves, and i want to play with textures and see what i can get away with
button downs ~ short sleeve and long sleeve – i see potential…shorts ~ paired with the unexpected; sweaters and blazers. tailored (to just above the knee) and casual
….depending on the destination …different colors ~ self – explanatory
black ~ contradictory?
classic/simple sneaks ~ vans (lace ups), converse, supras, blazers – i have a small yet budding collection that is prospectively beastly if i say so myself
great s/s shoes ~ saddle shoes, suede bucks, sperry’s – you get the picture
…and purple suede drivers
v.neck tees ~ I have worn them in previous years, but always under a jean jacket (which i will also be reviving this s/s) but never alone – not a risk for some, but i’m challenging myself (rite sally?) (Right!)
bare ankles ~ there is something so simple, yet so multifaceted about a bare ankle in the summer (on men) – easy to do but yet still problematic in execution
…which leads me to …short pants ~ rolled bottoms and even cropped – no clam diggers or capris, just slacks/trousers tailored to be above the ankle
unexpected details ~ watch closely
tattoos ~ my first (and maybe second)
accessories ~ patterned umbrellas, carrying bags (when needed), coats and jackets, metal band watches, cloth belts, unexpected socks, and a BURBERRY (novacheck) DRIVING CAP

s/s 09 you will not see me in
jorts ~ please retire them
…unstructured linen ~ my body type requires certain structured elements that a lot of linen cannot provide
denim ~ this is going to be tough. denim has always been an easy fallback for me. as i seek to grow (up) I am going to need to stretch myself – that means more pants, slacks, trousers, and shorts…pray for me…although it shouldn’t be too hard seeing as i don’t own any denim bottoms. growing and changing is never easy but the creativity that i will muster will be invaluable – but I will wear white denim
the norm ~ as stated before, I an going to be experimenting with color, texture, pattern, and an assortment of various elements

s/s 09 i will also be in
acog arlington church of god (because we live here)
yepaw – i love da kids
new places – iTravel
…newness of body, mind, & spirit – stay tuned
cultural venues ~ museums, galleries, book stores, live concerts, new restaurants
…last but not least, the WORD of GOD

s/s 09 you will not catch me in
the club
…other extracurricular ridiculousness – think about it

wham bam,

the Man.
(editors notes written in italics)

His name means

"God is with us".

airwaves: manic monday - the bangles
"i wish it were sunday, cuz thats my fun day.."
(it REALLY is a manic monday)

hey lambs, starting out the first full week of spring is my cousin/bestfriend Emmanuel J. LeGrair. Ive known manny for years and when i tapped him to be feature first for spring fling week, he (reluctantly) accepted. While he doesnt think he's the best dressed, i'd have to disagree, for a gentleman his size, he has EXCELLENT taste, and that's crucial, everyone has a different body type and everyone should know how to dress themself with what looks best on them, and emmanuel is a man who knows what the good things in life are. we may not have a lot of money, but we make due with what we have, and he always does a fantastic job no matter what it is:)

so without FURTHER ado, here is my cousin/confidant, one who i fondly call the "Modern Sophisticate" presenting his picks for Spring 2009!