
airwaves: lettin' go- janelle monae
"we dont need you daydream to much, well man im glad yall let me go.."
(this song ALWAYS puts me in an excellent mood)
so when i say i know the most WONDERFUL people on the face of the earth, i TRULY mean it. This final edition of Cab Confessionals season 1 (lol) is going to be rounded out by the love of my LIFE..Chris McMullen aka Mr.Socially Active, but i prefer to call him "King Chris". I met this guy when i was 19 years old..and what i loved most was he had so much soul...but seriously though, me and KC were meant to be friends, we had a bunch of mutual friends and for some reason they started calling us the King and Queen of the Scene even though we had never officially met(facebook forges such strange virtual friendships but hey, what are you gonna do?) but by that time, Chris had already moved back to LA and it seemed all was lost until Morehouse's 08 graduation when he came back to watch the rest of the "Superfriends" graduate and Marchie made it happen! We all met at little five points for a shopping trip and then had lunch at the Vortex, and the rest was history. we had an immediate bond and still share a wonderful friendship to this day. i love that man unconditionally,(i still think he's oblivious to the fact that ive always had a MAJOR crush on him) and after reading more about him (because youll see him on here often) im sure you'll fall in love with him too. unless youre a straight male..then you can simply...admire his style. thats all ill allow. Ha. but on a serious note, check on my doll's blog, its AMAZING when he updates it, and definitely one of my daily crack addictions..he cant help the fact that he's just so Socially Active

Who are your top 3 influences fashionwise?
I know it sounds cliche, but I have to say Kanye first and foremost. He changed everything for young African-American males. I was a senior in high school when I first learned about him. Dude changed my outlook on personal style. Next, my dad circa the 80s. My dad can't dress for sh-- now, but I remember playing his clothes as a kid. He had the best tweed blazers, cologne, dress shoes and jewelry. That laid the foundation for my classic sense of style. Lastly, the lack of competition amongst my peers in L.A. Black men here are afraid to take risks. They're boring. They make me work harder and relish in being an individual. But they also make it too easy...

I'm influenced by everything. Right now, I'm loving Jay Electronica, Wale and Kid Cudi. Coldplay and Radiohead are also killing the game right now. And of course, there's always 80s pop. *sigh*
(yessss 80s pop!! my favorite!!)
Favorite place to shop locally?
Goodwill and Discount Thrift near my house. Santee Alley in DTLA is also a great place. And Melrose is never a disappointment.
(when kc came to visit atlanta a few years ago we both went DUMB in Rag O Rama..he even bought be a tshirt that i still wear:))
Shoes you're wearing right now
My 7 year old Nike Blazers I got for $20 in high school. Love em!
Bracelet or watch?
Watch in the Winter.
Bracelet in the summer.
Necklace or scarf?
Scarf. All day!
Classic Rock or Modern pop?
Classic Rock. Is that even a real question? Modern pop can suck it easy!
Check on me in about 10 years. Actions speak louder than words. I'll be the one sitting next to Ms. Wintour.
Last movie you watched
'I Love You, Man.' It was great!
Favorite blog(s)/websites to browse...
Kanye's blog, ridesallyride(of course),, LateBoots, The Sartorialist, WWD,, YBF, ConcreteLoop, and Selectism.
Song stuck in your head right now?
The second half of "Yes" by Coldplay. That song does something for my spirit.
If you could have a comeback album from any artist...who would it be?
Truthfully, no one. I feel like if they're not making music now, they shouldn't be. I'm just getting ready for the next generation of hip-hop artists to emerge full-force.
The first concert you ever went to
Kanye had a concert at Earthlink Live in ATL for $20 when hardly no one knew who he was my freshman year. John Legend and GLC were there too. It was hands down the best concert I've been to in my life. That includes Glow in the Dark.
The dumbest thing you've ever done
"Being practical" and tricking myself into thinking that I could do corporate America...
I see the person youve grown to be, but not who you were before..what was it that changed your life to get where you are now?
The most significant experience I've had to date is attending Morehouse College. The experience forever changed my life.It taught me so much about myself. It taught me how to be a man. It made me who I am. I made lifelong friends who are more like my family.
Go ahead...give a few shout outs
Misch, Lovey, Queeny, "Baby," my Phrat, my Superfriends, John and Ant. That's about it...
Finally....last famous words
It think Sanatra put it best. "I did it my way."

(this picture was taken after the FIRST time we met, we were already so comfortable
with one another, man, i really do have some of the GREATEST friends)
Love You Chris!
ciao, the Queen of the Scene...sal.
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