airwaves: 8 million stories - a tribe called quest
"the honey ripped my off for all my lootcakes"
(this song is so relateable to everyday life man...)
And we're back in action with today's CAB CONFESSIONAL featuring Roderick Jackson, a lovely young photographer and blogger from the cleveland area. I met Rod at the Heart & Sole/Big Sean meetngreet a few weeks ago and instantly decided that he was my new found favorite. Check out his confessional...BELOW

They call me
Roderick aka R_Boogie..friends nick name bka Chink…family nickname
I like (doing, making, being)..
I like doing artsy stuff..i like making art….i like being an artist…
My favorite t-shirt is...
anything Mishka
The shoes I'll never throw away are...
shoes aren’t worth holding on to no matter wat price
I'd kill for...
good music
The song that makes me drive reckless is...
Reckless Driving by Jdilla
If I were a tv show, I would be...
a cooking show..i love food
(i cant tell)
Last time I went to the movies I saw...
If I saw... I would probably..
Mike Jackson; laugh immediately
My first cell phone was
a sprint flip phone by Samsung
If could've chosen my name it probably would have been....
I wouldn’t like to have that decision to difficult
I laughed so hard at ….that I peed my pants
I never laughed that hard…but would like too maybe.
My first love was...
music..and always will be
I used to have ...... posters on my wall…
never had posters on my wall crazy enough to parents weren’t havin it.
The first time I kissed a girl I was....
soooooo nervous
I'm terrified of
not having any friends because thatll be sooooooo depressing
I really miss
90s nickelodeon cartoons
A perfect dinner would be
cooked by my mom..shes the best
If Prince and Michael Jackson had a sing off..would win
(i beg to differ)
Today I wore..
clothes lol …naw but really I wore vans, levis, chaps tshirt..mishka fitted hat. Real chill day
sunny days.. remind me of summer
I'd rather have been born..
in the water..makes u a better swimmer..i love swimming
(hmm..somehow i dont think thats scientifically proven..) my hero because..
Obama..hes gonna save america
My favorite scent is...
mary jane or vanilla
Fancy bread, is it in the heart or in the head?
(people are always tripped up by this question, i love it)
The last song I want to hear at night is..
anything SARA
Shameless plug?
If I gave a hood shoutout it would be to
Thomas Anderson aka Young Tee but he prolly wont read this cus hes hood
To the future I say..... Hello and see you soon.
To the past I said..... good bye it was fun..
To the masses I say..... make haste The Coventry Kids comin thru
To myself I can do it and never give up..cheesy but sooo true

Check out the Coventry Kid on his blog riiiiight HERE!
thanks for participating rod..
Ciao, Sal.
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