airwaves:kind of blue - john coltrane
(because she reminds me of this song)
so i was goign through my cab confessionals when i realized that the majority of people who do it are GUYS..sooooo..its time to bring the ladies back, and first on the list is the lovely Ashely Gibson(Tomlin) aka..Melodic. Ashley and i met in highschool when were troublemakers. We had soe many things in common, the biggest one was our love of the Pittsburgh Steelers, we used to goof off in class, sing together, and act a fool, even though shes aways at school, we're still good friends, and while she's QUITE wreckless, i love her regardless:)

They call me...
Mostly Ashley... Melodic... Ma... Crazy???
I like (doing, making, being)..
doing things that are hilarious... making myself and others laugh... being myself... don't know what else I could be
My favorite t-shirt is...
hard to choose between my Obama and my old Steelers shirt... YESSSSS i support black and gold!
The shoes I'll never throw away are...
ugh... why would you ask a shoe question... I have over 100 pairs of shoes.. honestly i won't throw away any of them... but I guess these no label silver sequined platform wedges are so lovely... maybe those
I'd kill for...
Barbara Whitfield aka mom... and Kim Kardashian's a--
The song that makes me drive wreckless is...
oooh... Summer Madness or Early in the Morning Gap Band... can't really choose between those two
If I were a tv show, I would be...
An existing show, Sex and the City hands down...or a reality show
Last time I went to the movies I saw...
umm... I actually don't remember... nothing really great has come out any way
If I saw ...... I would probably.....
Oprah... I would probably propose... and I'm not gay
My first cell phone was a....
ohh sony ericsson something...
(i think its funny that i remember this phone, it was like small and forest green..or maybe blue?)
If could've chosen my name it probably would have been....
hahaha check the blog
I laughed so hard at.....that I peed my pants
life in general.. but the drunk man at Kohls is a classic... too long of a story to relay but it's where my "delicious" fascination began...
My first love was...
music... and I think we're starting to get serious, but sometimes I think he's cheating with other women..
I used to have ...... posters on my wall
an inspiration wall... with everything and one that ever made me think or grow...
The first time I kissed a girl I was....
umm... refer to the oprah response?
(this question was a mistake, i meant a boy, but i give boys this survey so much that i forgot to change it! sorry! lol)
I'm terrified of.... because....
an ordinary life because to me it's the same as death
I really miss.....
INTELLECT! but not CVCA at all... and not having responsibilities or jobs..
(for those who dont know..IM inteLLect :))
A perfect dinner would be....
mexican food.. in mexico... with muchas margaritas por favor!
If Prince and Michael Jackson had a sing off....would win
I was dreading this one... because I really don't like Prince.. and I feel like Intellect will have me shot... so MJ hands down...sorry
Today I wore......
Sweats and a Tee.. sorry, I'm a senior at OU in Athens, OH with an 8am class... we're lucky I'm even awake....
.....reminds me of summer
Smell of barbeque and sexy nights on Court Street
I'd rather have been born....
In 1949 so I could've been 20 for the summer of 69 and have gone to Woodstock and seen the Grateful Dead and Janis and Jimmi live... and wear a huge afro and platforms every day.. but I'm glad I got to live to see President Obama and Dave Chappelle comedy and Kanye and Wayne music... so idk my hero because...
My mother... so cheesy but I think she's the only person I know well enough to call heroic... everyone famous is a persona
My favorite scent is.....
a man.. no cologne or anything just pure testosterone... we're all animals smelling each other and reacting any way
(i really dig this the sammmeee way)
Fancy bread, is it in the heart or in the head?
sooo confused at this point
If I gave a hood shoutout it would be to....
ALL THE HATERS!!!! love you boo ;)
To the future I say.....
nothing really... lets just see what happens
To the past I said.....
you've been the greatest teacher
To the masses I say.....
appreciate art and enjoy life... and laugh... at everything.. because when you think about it... this is all a joke
To myself I say....
Let's get it!
be sure to check Melodic's blog HERE!
show her the love you show meeeee!
show her the love you show meeeee!
ciaoie, sally
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