airwaves: Sky Might Fall-Kid Cudi
"the sky might fall..but im not worried at all..."
(i cant decide if this song is terribly sad..or terribly uplifting...what do you think?
So i did some snooping and i found out that the boy in all of Beezie's pictures is the notorious Arnu Moncler...or AJ as his friends call him. Ive known AJ for a few years now but hes stilllll a mystery to me, however, i love him regardless, it's hard to seperate Beez and AJ because they just always seem to be together, but dont be fooled, they both have minds of their own..

They call me...
AJ or Arnu Moncler
I like (doing, making, being)..
Making Music, being fed,doing girls.(that last one...rude but real lol)
My favorite t-shirt is...
unknown t shirts from the thrift
The shoes I'll never throw away are...
Send Help Dunks
(somebody please send help for these shoes..theyve been on his feet forever)
I'd kill for...
Jimbos cheeseburger, fries, and vanilla milkshake
The song that makes me drive wreckless is...
Young Jeezy-black dreams
If I were a tv show, I would be...
The Fantasy Factory
Last time I went to the movies I saw...
Step Brothers
If I saw ...... I would probably.....
saw the future... id prb be a super hero
My first cell phone was a....
some motorolla flip phone.
If could've chosen my name it probably would have been....
I laughed so hard at.....that I peed my pants
Hot Rod's richardson dance.
My first love was...
prb nintendo
I used to have ...... posters on my wall
(what in the world is slam?)
(what in the world is slam?)
The first time I kissed a girl I was....
few month old baby
(the rudeness continues)
(the rudeness continues)
I'm terrified of.... because....
food poisoning; obvious reasons
I really miss.....
the old days
A perfect dinner would be....
that jimbos meal in number 5
If Prince and Michael Jackson had a sing off....would win
mike is the best but prince might win
(might? he definitely would..TEAM PRINCE!!)
(might? he definitely would..TEAM PRINCE!!)
Today I wore......
should have been dress clothes for chruch but nothin.. its sunday
(however, today is wednesday)
(however, today is wednesday)
......reminds me of summer
allergies remind me of summer
I'd rather have been born.....
cooler maybe? my hero because...
this is getting personal
My favorite scent is.....
light blue. Dolce and Gabbana or a bad chick.
Fancy bread, is it in the heart or in the head?
i would say both
If I gave a hood shoutout it would be to....
Gucci mane. so icey ent
To the future I say.....
to the future.. please be good to a brotha
To the past I said.....
thanks for the unseen dangers; it could have been alot worse
To the masses I say.....
i hope im important enuff to have a "say" for the masses
To myself I say....
stay humble. keep praying.

see i told you...they always together...but i STILL feel like somebody's missing...but who could it be?

to be concluded...
ciao, sal
AJ!!!!!! my nigga.